Die Hotelfachschule Gisenyi ist eines der größten Projekte von FoR e.V., das sich stetig durch den Zuwachs um weitere Bereiche weiterentwickelt. Im Februar 2017 wurde die Erweiterung der Berufsfachschule um den Bereich der KFZ-Mechaniker und -Mechatroniker mit einer großen Einweihungsfeier gefeiert. Kagabo Vincent berichtet (der Bericht ist auf Englisch):
Part One
Introduction of the school to the Visitors (partner organizations, and other guests), visitors (local leaders and other invited guests) with Friends of Ruanda e.V. members. Visit of different workshops to show the teaching materials (equipment) and new class rooms, most of which were sponsored by Friends of Ruanda e.V. and are used by students and teachers to enhance the quality of education. The school curently accommodates 355 students and 18 staff members (administration & teaching staff).
Part Two
After some speeches held by honored guests, students presented different games, poems, a Made in Rwanda Fashion Show, dances and songs. Especially the Made in Rwanda Fashion Show, organized by Beatrice, Diane and Selina and sponsored by Friends of Ruanda e.V. was a good way to boost students’ confidence and show how African culture is of great pride.
the top five students who passed the National Examination were given a reward by Friends of Ruanda e.V.. All 50 students got marks allowing them a government scholarship.
Part Three
Having Dinner in the school restaurant. An à la carte menu was used and the guests could order on their choice! The food and the drinks were so delicious! The event was closed by a dance: all of our guests, teachers and students danced together!